The main position of 3 in 1 water filling machine -- Air channel

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The main position of 3 in 1 water filling machine.

Air channel is required complying with the rule that suspending bottles can move smoothly along the channel and the gap between rails should be about 1mm wider than the diameter of bottle neck. The adjustments are listed as follows: 

1) Loose the bolts fixed bellow air channel; 

2) Adjust the stainless slats to meet requirements;

3) Ensure the width of gap along the channel is constant;

4) Tighten the bolts.    

The position is set properly before leaving factory. 

There is a Block device in order that only a consecutive line of bottles can be permitted to go through it avoiding the problem of retailed bottles which will cause frequent actions of systems and increase possibility of failure and stop. When the air channel is full of bottles and other systems is ready, push the bottle-loading button, then the air cylinder responses to open the block to let bottles in.  

The main position of 3 in 1 water filling machine -- Air channel.png


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